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The Song America Needs Now!

Help Honor 9/11 Families & First Responders. Inspire Americans to Pray Again for Our Nation's Security!

My unique and original song, NYC music video, and songwriter commentary recounts significant events of September 11. It offers healing words for America, and remembers the fallen firefighters and police. This is a unique opportunity for you to reach out to wounded and anxious Americans with a reminder of the power of prayer.

I need your help!


Learn More Below






The Story

     Many still suffer from the 9/11 attacks and, sadly enough, terrorism is a real problem in the world.  Help me reach out with my new, original 9/11 song, album, and music video that America needs right now....


  • To honor those who died, and those who gave their lives in the rescue efforts, including 343 firefighters

  • To support those who lost family members, friends, and co-workers, and have carried on

  • To acknowledge the efforts of St. Paul's Chapel, those who volunteered, and all those throughout the nation who prayed to God for America's protection

  • To accurately record the significant events of 9/11 for future generations

  • To inspire Americans to continue praying for national security



    I need your help to be able to donate 1000 free copies of the song "My Memory of 9/11" to family members of the deceased, as well as to advertise my album/music video, and to help pay for some of the production costs. 


    After thirteen years, I could no longer keep this song to myself. In light of the recent issues that have surfaced for 9/11 families, as well as the horrible terrorist attacks that have recently occurred in the world, I realize that this song is as relevant now as immediately after 9/11 and brings a much needed message and reminder at this time. As an American songwriter/performer, sharing this song is something I can do to help heal and strengthen fellow Americans and all those who have equally been affected. Great songs can bring healing to broken hearts.


    By supporting my project you are helping to reach out to those who are still affected by 9/11 and to those who have increasing concerns about our national security. I hope my song and video will serve as a reminder of what happened to our nation and how serious the issue of national security really is. 


    A little background for you ....  Coming out of a personal hardship, I was mysteriously led to the biography of Abraham Lincoln and was inspired by the way he overcame extreme emotional stress. Through prayer, Scriptures, and a decision to rally himself, he fulfilled the great purposes of his life and became, for many, the most loved and respected president in American history. I also have had to rally myself, relying on God’s strength, to work on this 9/11 remembrance album and music video which I hope will have great meaning and purpose at this time in history. The personal and financial battles that I have faced in trying to accomplish this project were more than I expected but have served to motivate me to persevere. That's why I am here on Kickstarter asking for your help. I really want to see my song and music video fulfill its great purpose to bring healing and hope to Americans and to the world. 


    My song is uniquely important to America and the world because it sincerely describes the significant events of 9/11 and the city's courageous and compassionate response to the tragedy. Therefore I believe it has great historical value not only to us, but also to future generations. 


    I am an independent artist, solely responsible for the funding and promotion of my project. It serves as an important reminder and carries a message that many of us believe America needs right now more than ever. I truly hope that this project can become a part of the healing process for New York City, America, and beyond. I believe that out of ashes, beauty will rise again. ~ Sam Rossi



Pledge of $1 or more


A Heartfelt THANK YOU - Every dollar counts and matters to us

Pledge of $5 or more


"My Memory of 9/11" song download mp3 file and signed thank-you note in PDF file

Pledge of $10 or more


"New York City Not Forgotten" video download SD/HD mp4 file + "My Memory of 9/11" song download mp3 file and signed thank-you note in PDF file

Pledge of $25 or more


"New York City Not Forgotten" 5 song album (including "My Memory of 9/11") download mp3 file with signed lyrics + "New York City Not Forgotten" video download SD/HD mp4 file and signed thank-you note in PDF file

Pledge of $40 or more


"When Love Speaks" album and "Along the Way" album download mp3 files +"New York City Not Forgotten" 5 song album (including "My Memory of 9/11") download mp3 file with signed lyrics + "New York City Not Forgotten" video download SD/HD mp4 file and signed thank-you note in PDF file

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